Urgent Call for Donations to Rebuild Sunna Islamic Center in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Sunna Islamic Center has been a vital hub for the Muslim community for many years. It has served as a place of worship, community gatherings, and cultural exchange. Unfortunately, the center has recently suffered damage due to the conflict in the region.

The ongoing war in Ukraine has had devastating effects on the people and infrastructure in the region. Sunna Islamic Center is no exception. It was recently impacted by nearby shelling, resulting in structural damage to the building. The center’s members are now facing the challenging task of rebuilding their place of worship and community.

Your donations will make a significant difference in helping this vital institution regain its former glory. Our goal is not only to restore the physical structure of the center but also to provide a sense of hope and resilience to the Muslim community in Kharkiv.

By donating to this cause, you are supporting a place where people come together to pray and build connections in these difficult times. No contribution is too small, and every dollar counts. Together, we can help Sunna Islamic Center rebuild and continue serving the community.

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