Terms and Conditions | IDO

We appreciate your generous support and would like to emphasize some important points related to the donation process, in order to preserve the rights of donors, and to preserve the obligations of the organization.


Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before making a donation:

1.    Donations: We accept financial and in-kind donations from individuals, companies, and charitable organizations.


2.    Donations must be legal and legitimate and do not conflict with our policies and objectives, or with the laws of the host country (Germany).


3.    Transparency: We are committed to absolute transparency in the use of the donations we receive. We will provide reports on the use of donations and our development projects to the concerned authorities when requested.


4.    Privacy: We respect the privacy of donors’ information, as we pledge that we will not sell, rent or share your personal information to third parties without your express consent.


5.    Return of grants: If there is a mistake in the grant, or a valid reason that requires the return of the grant.

The request of returning the grant will be by the donor at the following e-mail: donation@ido-de.org with a statement of the reasons.

Estimating the considered reasons that necessitate the return of the grant is up to the IDO organization’s estimates.

Accepting or rejecting the grant return requests will be decided within a maximum period of 10 working days after the date of submission of the return request by the donor.

A – The donor is obligated to state the reason for the return request.

B – If IDO decides to return the donated amount, it returns it – after deducting the transfer costs – to the same account through which the donation was made.

            C – After the return process, the donor is obligated to send proof of the return process.


6.     Responsibilities of the donor: The donor must provide correct and reliable information when making a donation.

Donations must not contravene any laws, restrictions or other covenants of the donor.


7.    Terms and Conditions Changes: We reserve the right to amend or update the donation terms and conditions according to needs and developments.


Please note that by making a donation to IDO, you agree to these terms and conditions.

We thank you for your kind support, and we will make sure that donations are used effectively to achieve our charitable goals.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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